Friday, July 13, 2007

Just cuz

So, I checked it out, and on a daily basis I break 8 of the 10 commandments.


cattleworks said...

So, now that summer's over, weather-wise and calendar-wise, you coming back to your blog?
Or are you just too busy with everything?

Miss you!
(And hope everything's well)

Webmaster said...

Why did you stop writing?

cattleworks said...

who knows if we'll ever hear from Gore-Gore Girl again?
If the answer is no, that makes me sad.
If she checks these comments out every now and then, I just wanna say howdy and I hope all is well with you.
Also, last night I had the delightful opportunity of meeting and speaking to Herschel Gordon Lewis at the Buffalo Niagara Film Festival!
He was really... quite impressive!
Take care, babe!

Unknown said...

I'd be careful about those commandments. Most have pretty big penalties attached.

Hey, since you like movies (esp "B-type"), thinking, and nerd things you'll be really interested in the breaking nonfiction (tho it seems paranormal) news happening. See:

Adam_Y said...

8 out of 10? Must try harder...

Unknown said...


I'm wondering if you still receive comments in your email. I was reading your blog and you have similar movie tastes to me and my girlfriend. We can rarely find anyone who will brave the movies we like to see, and if you are still in NYC we would love to have someone actually see some of these movie with us. If you want, shoot me an email at hungryandangryshow at gmail dot com.