Monday, March 19, 2007

The Host

1) Go see Bong Joon-Ho's "The Host" immediately.

2) Actually, there is no 2 but I'll have more to say about this later.


Stephen Reese said...

Fan-fricking-tastic flick.

I especially loved the wordless dinner scene where the whole family feeds an absent Hyun-seo.

Where can I get a Free Park Kang Doo t-shirt?

Lilla Smutzig said...

For serious. Remember when American horror flicks used to be fun, and about stuff? Those were the days.

Stephen Reese said...

They were, Lilla. They were.

I don't know how to describe it, but unlike the Yanks (who add STUPID humor to their horror without really shifting the tone), Asians don't take monster movies so seriously, and yet do, and yet don't. I adore the tonal shifts.

cattleworks said...

Hey, I was pleasantly shocked to see that THE HOST is actually playing at a theater around here. Unless there's some other art flick named THE HOST...
I figured I'd have to wait until it came out on DVD before I had a chance to see it.
But, to be honest, I'm planning on seeing GRINDHOUSE first, especially with word that they may be chopping the film into two in an attempt to salvage its box office...

cattleworks said...

A very full day today!
Including, seeing THE HOST!
I got to the theater that was showing GRINDHOUSE, but I really cut it close, and I didn't think I'd catch the whole beginning, so instead of taking a chance, I decided to check out THE HOST.
I loved it!
I loved all the monster stuff, especially that first scene where we encounter the creature.
Being a monster movie, I had vague
preconceptions as to how this movie was going to proceed, and those preconceptions totally blew up in my face.
But the next major thing that made an impression on me was the whole bureaucracy and corruption issues that the family had to deal with.
Theoretically, watching a foreign film is supposed to give you a window into another culture, and I thought this film accomplished exactly that. But, it was weird knowing that it was technically a monster movie.
Which was also what was so cool about it.