Monday, January 15, 2007


So, I just watched 'The Bad Lieutenant' because I thought it was one of those movies that I should probably watch. All I have to say is: Nuns are totally hot.


cattleworks said...

Well, then you need to check out Saiju gakuen (1974) or SCHOOL OF THE HOLY BEAST (sometimes even CONVENT OF THE SACRED BEAST). I was going to write a review but who knows when I'll get around to doing anything on my blog? Grrrrr!
Anyways, hot Japanese women as nuns, creative punishments for scandalous behavior, beautifully photographed.
Yeah, there might be something in it for you...

Lilla Smutzig said...

I'm way ahead of you. That scene where they whip her with roses? Delicious. Norifumi Suzuki is the master of the erotic torture scene, check out Terrifying Girls School and Beautiful Girl Hunter(also some nun action). Also Jess Franco's Love Letters of a Portuguese Nun. I mean, I don't have a thing for nuns...ahem...

Lilla Smutzig said...

Sorry, I didn't mean Suzuki's Beautiful Girl Hunter I was in fact referring to Masaru Konuma's Beautiful Hunter, very different movie. But there were nuns. I think.

cattleworks said...

Suzuki's BAUTIFUL GIRL HUNTER is the STAR OF DAVID thing, isn't it? I only know this because I was just reading his bio after watching SEX AND FURY again.
I've had bad luck with Franco, though. What handful of films I've watched by him, they drive me crazy. A lot of them seem to HAVE great exploitive elements in them, but I'm not impressed at all with what he does with them.
There's a nunsploitation website you might be interested in, if you don't already know about it:

Watching SEX/FURY again, I was thrown by the knife-wielding nun bodyguards in the train and then the huge stained glass image of Christ during Ocho's whipping scene. The commentary by Chris D. suggests that it's only anti-religious, fetish imagery, and nothing more meaningful than that.
I'm probably going to check out FEMALE YAKUZA next.

Lilla Smutzig said...

ooohhh... female yakuza is a big letdown, not even in the ballpark of sex and fury. Franco, though, has done some interesting work. You have to really be into the euro-sleaze vibe to enjoy it, but Sadomania, Ilsa the wicked warden(2nd in the Ilsa trilogy), The Marquis de Sade's Justine, Vampyros Lesbos, Eugenie and her Journey into Perversion, are all probably orth checking out. Thing is, he's made so many movies you can't judge him by.. well, by most of them. Justine is probably the most impressive, and Sadomania possibly the most disturbing yet truly dedicated sexploitation I've seen in a while, very demeaning to women. But anyone who made Vampyros Lesbos can't be all bad.

Chandira said...

I will say nothing about what I thought of Joaquin Phoenix in Quills. 'Hot Priest' doesn't even come close, (pardon the pun)..
What is it about nuns and priests?? lol